Thursday, December 29, 2011

Engagement #46!!!

Mazal Tov to Daniel Hayman for setting up engagement 46! We are only 4 engagements away from setting up 100 singles!

He describes it below: "I asked the Kallah to send me a list of profiles that she was interested in from the site. She asked for more information on the Chosson. Shortly thereafter they went out and got engaged!"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shidduch #45!

Mazal Tov to Yehudis Abramowitz of Monsey for setting up Chabadmatch's 45th Shidduch!

She writes: "A young woman was working with me for over a year. A number of suggestions were researched, but none of them resulted in a meeting. Finally a Chabadmatch suggestion seemed to be more suitable than the others. But it was an 'international' shidduch and the young man's passport had expired! While the Passport Agency did its work, the couple spoke on the phone and finally met at a location between the two cities. The rest is history!"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Under Construction! New Main Page

We have just launched the updated new main page. The rest of the website will slowly be updated. Hope you like the new look!

New Engagement!

Mazal Tov to Shadchan Miriam Lipchik

She writes: "A girl I was working with saw the profile on Chabadmatch that caught her attention and sent it to me. I contacted the boy who had just signed up and was not available at the time. I called him back two months later, he was ready, flew to the East Coast, dated, and a match was made in heaven and earth! They are perfect for each other!"

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Shidduch!

Mazal tov to Mrs. Leah Lipszyc, Shlucha to Crimea, Ukraine on a recent shidduch. It's amazing how with the help of Chabadmatch one can be on one side of the world and setup singles on the other side of the world. She was looking for profiles on the site for a friend of a friend, a daughter of Shluchim in Eretz Yisroel. She found an American studying in Israel, set them up, and they shortly thereafter became engaged in Israel.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Feature for Singles

We have implemented a new feature on the site for singles that allows singles to choose which Shadchanim can access their profile. We received requests from singles for this, and decided to implement it. We strongly encourage singles to allow all Shadchanim to have access to their profile, as one never knows which Shadchan can present a match, but if for whatever reason you prefer to exclude certain Shadchanim, you can do so by editing your profile and changing the option.

Happy 15 of Av to All!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Anonymous Donors offers $250 per Shidduch for Shadchanim on Chabadmatch!

An anonymous donor has just offered $250 per Shidduch for every Shadchan who makes a Shidduch using!! The offer is for the next 8 site Shidduchim and the objective is to encourage Shadchanim to be more proactive using the site. We look forward to many new successes!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shidduch #40

Rabbi Moshe Raitman setup Shidduch #40 for Chabadmatch, here is what he writes:

"Boruch Hashem in the past 2 weeks alone I have been zocheh to be involved in some capacity in 4 Shidduchim. The most recent was Rosh Chodesh Shevat between a bochur and girl who were listed on Chabadmatch. Both had approached me through Chabadmatch and BH we now have reason to celebrate. For anyone reading these success stories and wondering if they should post their profiles online, there is no doubt that by being proactive and allowing others including Shadchanim and singles to view one's profile, the chance of finding one's zivug is increased tremendously."