Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Shidduch in Pittsburgh!

Mazal Tov to Shadchan Fraida Estrin and the Chosson/Kalla from the East Coast.

Here is how Fraida describes the shidduch: I've know the Kallah for a while as she lives and works in Pittsburgh.

One day, about a month ago, a Chabadmatch email popped into my mailbox. Frankly, I don't always read them, as I am very busy with lots of things. For some reason, I opened the file and read the description, I thought that it sounded like a possibility for the Kallah.

I called the Kallah and gave her a brief summary before checking him out. When she gave me the go-ahead, I made some calls. At the same time I emailed the Choson with a brief description and his response was interesting. He said that a couple of months ago, he had seen her profile on another dating site, and by the time he went back to pursue it, the profile had been removed. He assumed that she was already engaged.

He came to Pittsburgh the following week, and stayed at our house. The rest is history.

The Pittsburgh community is helping with the Chasana, if anyone is able to help contribute, please contact Fraida Estrin.