Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shidduch #55: Shadchan Moshe Raitman

3rd Chabadmatch Shidduch this month!!

Shadchan Moshe Raitman describes: "I was working with a bochur with who's family I am very close with and have been guiding them extensively in a coaching capacity. After reviewing the girl's profile on Chabadmatch, the Shidduch was also suggested by a neighbor who felt it should be pursued. We did our due diligence and by proceeding with a tremendous amount of energy and input, we BH have a lechaim to celebrate!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

5 Minute Clip on how Chabadmatch works

Success #54

Mazal Tov on successful Shidduch #54 by shadchan Yehudis Abramowitz! She writes:
"The boy's family called me privately. I met the girl through her profile on the site. The girl's mother initally rejected the boy's profile, thinking he was too young. I felt that they could match and suggested it again. At first it didn't go because of technical difficulties in getting the couple together. After a few weeks, we tried again and it was successful!"

Celebrating over 100 engagements!

Here is a link to an article written by Yonit Tanenbaum on Collive.com celebrating 50 engagements on the site: http://www.collive.com/show_news.rtx?id=21673&alias=54-shidduchim-and-counting

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Over 100 singles engaged to date!

Last month Chabadmatch hit a huge milestone with shidduch #50 and #51. Details can be seen at www.chabadmatch.com/success.php

 That means over 100 singles have gotten engaged with the help of Chabadmatch! May the site continue to go from strength to strenth!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Engagement #49!!

The Shadchan, Yocheved Hershkowitz, relates:

"There was incredible Hashgacha Pratis in how this shidduch was made. I met the bochur through his profile and was in touch with him for several years. The girl had come to Israel from Europe for a Shidduch proposal that did not work. When it didn't the parents of the girl started looking at other options and I was contacted by them and met her. After meeting her I could tell that she was a great match for the bochur. In less than 2 weeks from going out, they were engaged!"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Shidduch #48!

The Shadchan, Moshe Raichman, writes: "The Chosson arrived in Israel from Australia and was looking for a Shidduch. I made a few suggestions based on profiles on Chabadmatch. Shortly thereafter he went out with the Kallah, and they got engaged!"

Two more Shidduchim and the site reaches 100 engaged singles!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keyword Search for Shadchanim

Shadchanim can now filter through profiles using the keyword search option. For example, if a Shadchan is looking for bochurim who learned in Mayanot, they can type Mayanot and see the 26 results in the database. We hope this makes it easier to filter through profiles.