Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3rd Chabadmatch Shidduch in 3 Weeks!

Chabadmatch just celebrated the 3rd Shidduch in 3 weeks, certainly a first! 78 singles have now got engaged with help from the site. Of the last 8 Shidduchim, 8 different Shadchanim have been involved, which explains the advantage of signing up on Chabadmatch. With one profile, singles benefit from help from a large network of Shadchanim based all over the world, and you never know which one will be able to help you out.

The most recent Shidduch went through Shadchan Daniel Hayman. He encouraged the Chosson to sign up, and upon signing up he was able to search through limited profiles. The limited profiles do not show general information about the single without giving the identity, excluding name, photo, city, references, etc. Daniel shared the profiles and references to both sides, and they went out in NY until they got engaged.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Feature for Shadchanim

A single recently pointed out to us that Shadchanim have no way of knowing what type of access singles have given to other parent/singles.

The three choices are:

1) No access
2) Limited Access: with no information that can give away the identity of the single such as name, references, and city.
3) Access: Including the single's name, city, and references but no photo or contact info.

We have modified the search format for Shadchanim so that a number appears on the far right column for every single.

0 will indicate no access to singles.
1 will indicate limited access.
2 will indicate Access.

Two Recent Shidduchim!

We are proud to announce two recent Shidduchim on the site:

1) Channa Meyer writes: "This was a Shidduch created virtually! The bochur asked for help online, mentioning he is on Chabadmatch where I am a Shadchan. I signed on, searched, and found a girl that fit what he was looking for. I emailed her mother, and we set the whole thing up by email (and some references phone calls made by each party), it couldn't have been easier!"

2) Dr. Elka Pinson write: "I was contacted by the Chosson via email. A month later the Kallah submitted her profile on the site, it caught my eye, and I sent it to him. They had extensive phone conversations, he flew to meet her, and then she flew to meet him, and they shortly thereafter became engaged."

Friday, October 1, 2010

36th Engagement!

Shadchan: Rabbi Avtzon

Tishrei 5771 / September 2010

The Shadchan was working with the Kallah for some time. When the Chosson signed up, Rabbi Avtzon saw that the profile was a potential match and immediately worked on setting them up.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Shidduch in Pittsburgh!

Mazal Tov to Shadchan Fraida Estrin and the Chosson/Kalla from the East Coast.

Here is how Fraida describes the shidduch: I've know the Kallah for a while as she lives and works in Pittsburgh.

One day, about a month ago, a Chabadmatch email popped into my mailbox. Frankly, I don't always read them, as I am very busy with lots of things. For some reason, I opened the file and read the description, I thought that it sounded like a possibility for the Kallah.

I called the Kallah and gave her a brief summary before checking him out. When she gave me the go-ahead, I made some calls. At the same time I emailed the Choson with a brief description and his response was interesting. He said that a couple of months ago, he had seen her profile on another dating site, and by the time he went back to pursue it, the profile had been removed. He assumed that she was already engaged.

He came to Pittsburgh the following week, and stayed at our house. The rest is history.

The Pittsburgh community is helping with the Chasana, if anyone is able to help contribute, please contact Fraida Estrin.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mazal Tov #33!

We would like to wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Gitty Fogel and the Choson and Kallah on a recent Shidduch.

The Kallah signed up on Chabadmatch and introduced herself to Mrs. Fogel. After working together for about a year, a friend of Mrs. Fogel asker her if she had any ideas for her son. Mrs. Fogel immediately thought of the Kallah and the Shidduch was a success.

Yet another Shidduch through singles or parents being proactive by contacting Shadchanim or looking through the limited profiles they have access to.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Shidduch!

Maza Tov to Shadchan Daniel Hayman and the Choson + Kallah on a recent international shidduch. The shidduch started when the mother of the Kallah saw a profile she was interested in and got in touch with Daniel. Parents of singles being proactive in searching for interesting profiles has proven the best way to take advantage of the site.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Exhibiting at the Resource Fair of the Kinnus Hashluchos

We will IYH be exhibiting at the Resource Fair of the Kinus HaShluchos on Motzai Shabbos, February 6th, from 8PM to 1AM at Oholei Menachem, 667 Eastern Parkway. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Feature this week in Living Jewish

Chabadmatch was featured this week in Living Jewish, an english Chabad newsletter distributed throughout Israel. Here is the link:


Always nice to get feedback, here is one email this week:

Dear Chabadmatch,

Thank you for doing such a great job. I have been meaning to write you and say that you are tackling this Shidduch crisis one profile at a time, bringing hope to the singles out there who feel that they have been forgotten. I have heard so many people say that someone called them becasue their profile was on Chabadmatch. Yeshar Koach!

A Parent

New Feature for Shadchanim

Profiles will now display the last login date for the single. This will help Shadchanim know if a single has recently logged in and updated their profile or done a search. Thank you Bracha Demarcur for the suggestion. Should we add this feature to show the last login for Shadchanim as well?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mazal Tov #30!!!

Mazal Tov to Sara Shollar on setting up Chabadmatch's 30th engagement!

Sara describes: "A request from an old and dear friend for help in finding a shidduch for her daughter prompted a visit to my favorite site where a name, with the help of the filters, quickly popped up. The calls were made, the meetings took place, and the engagement was celebrated."

We wish a besha'a tova to the choson and kallah.
